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Let's start with our culture.
For this I invite you to meet Maye who is going to tell us her story.
Colombian folklore
Soy colombiano
00:00 / 03:23
Music Education | Music.Ava
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How to navigate the AVA
What is music?
classifying sounds
the qualities of sound
Dictations qualities of sound
the elements of music
Musical theory
The signs of musical writing
the pentagram
Duration Figures
figures of silence
location of rests
Value of the figures
test your knowledge
rhythm classifications
Compass-rhythm elements
checking a compass
time signature practice
Rhythmic reading matrices 1
Rhythmic reading matrices 2
Rhythmic reading matrices 3
Dictations apply what you have learned
The intervals (previous elements)
intervals (semitones)
Intervals (Types)
The intervals (classes)
The intervals (identify-build)
Identifying and building intervals
The scales
the major scale
the natural scale
Construction major scales
practice what you have learned
minor scales
Cultural identity
our folklore
Folclor Colombiano
El Folclor Colombiano
Bogota, your city
know your city
Musical appreciation
how to listen to music
planes of hearing
The musical instruments
musical instruments classification
Getting to know musical instruments
How much do you know about instruments?
How to analyze a musical work?
Contextualization of the work
Musical analysis
Let's do it
Music Ava Para Ninos
Nuestros Cursos
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