Analysis expressive

The expressive plane in music has been the subject of great debate by many musicians, musicologists regarding its objectivity. It can be said that this is the subjective plane, since its interpretation depends more on the listener from his individuality than on a group.
Aaron Copland refers that all music has expressive power. In fact, it can be affirmed without fear of being wrong that the composer must always have a communicative intention, to express something to the other in his work, otherwise there would be no reason for him to present it to his audience.
In our analysis we will listen to the work and we will try to decipher what the composer wanted to express, we will search in the depths of our being and we will let our emotions and feelings show us the way. It will be a mistake to look for what others have heard and expressed about the work, since the originality of this plane will be lost and what from a clean perspective we could find in our own interior.
Expressive analysis is a listener's own and unique construction, which on occasions may agree with what others have done, while remaining a unique and creative product of music-audience interaction.